Yuvraj Singh and Hazel Keech have been inseparable ever since they got engaged last November. Yuvraj has preferred to keep his relationship with the Bollywood actress under wraps. But, on Wednesday, the star India player lost his cool after Hazel was subject of racial discrimination. Hazel was racially abused by an official of Western Union Money Transfer and the Bollywood actress took to Twitter to report about the incident. Mr Peeyush Sharma @WesternUnion in Jaipur is the most racist person ive met and refused to give money because my name is not "Hindu-enough -Hazel Keech (@hazelkeech) August 30, 2016 Im sickened by the attitude of these people,in front of my HINDU mother + my muslim friend @1NS1A #outrage #racism https://t.co/Rq7eIyEcWG -Hazel Keech (@hazelkeech) August 30, 2016 My name is Hazel Keech. i am Hindu born/raise. But why does dat matter at @WesternUnion whether2 give me money or no https://t.co/jF7XIzm6Yu -Hazel Keech (@hazelkeech) August 30, 2016 ...
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