With cricket fans across social media rising in anger over Pranav Dhanawade's (The Kalyan boy who set a World Record with his 1009*) non-inclusion in the U-16 West Zone squad, while questioning the selection of Sachin Tendulkar's son Arjun for the inter-zonal cricket tournament, the young boy's family and coach, Mubin Sheikh, don't seem to be complaining. "I heard there is a lot of talk about Pranav's non selection in the West Zone U-16 squad, but we are not sad and not even thinking about it. In cricket, you cannot talk about things that are not is our control," Sheikh reportedly said according to a report on DNA India. Arjun Tendulkar, selected for West Zone U16 team, fails to impress Meanwhile, the Mumbai Cricket Association joint secretary PV Shetty has said it is difficult to pick Dhanawade now, "I cannot say about the zonal selection but we cannot pick him in the Mumbai probables too unless he scores runs. We haven't heard about him after ...
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