Twitter image Kolkata: With renowned names from politics and sports in attendance, Indian soccer team captain Sunil Chhetri wed his long-time girlfriend Sonam Bhattacharya at a posh city club on Monday. Smartly turned out in a traditional Nepali attire, Chhetri rode to the wedding hall on a horse, and later changed into a printed sherwani as per Bengali tradition. @chetrisunil11 wedding ceremony programme @aajkaalnews @IndianFootball — Soumitra Roy (@soumitra0073) December 4, 2017 Sonam, on the other hand, was resplendent in a red and golden saree, and was seen smiling throughout the wedding ceremony. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, several other ministers, former soccer stars including Chuni Goswami, Renedy Singh, and a number of current players graced the occasion, as a large number of shutterbugs clicked frantically to capture every minute of the memorable occasion. Chhetri, 33, plies his trade for Bengaluru FC and is curre...